Five things you should know about juicing cannabis

Pressed vegetable juices are becoming very popular all over the world right now, and with good reason. There are plenty of reasons to ingest cannabis in its raw form. On top of its wonders for overall health, it tastes good when combined with other vegetables or fruits.

Thousands of people testify that juicing does work to give one an energy boost, and also to help improve one’s health. This is because juiced vegetables are nutritionally dense. Some swear that it has treated their autoimmune disease, and others claim that cannabis has therapeutic value for many other diseases. Patients report that they were able to come off the pharmaceutical medications that they were prescribed after regular consuming cannabis.

Benefits of juicing cannabis and tips to make it happen

1. Cannabis is excellent for disease prevention. According to Dr. William Courtney, founder of the Cannabis International Foundation and an advocate for raw cannabis, juicing cannabis is the healthiest way to consume and benefit from the plant. In his experience, cannabis is good, not only for the treatment of diseases but also for disease prevention and health maintenance. Cannabinoids have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective properties, making them a powerful dietary supplement.

2. Cannabis that has been dried or heat-treated is not suitable for juicing. Use the fresh leaves, flowers, buds and stems. It’s best to juice 15 leaves and 2 large raw buds per day.

3. Juiced, raw cannabis is bitter. If you don’t like the taste, dilute it with a lot of water or mix with other vegetables, such as juiced carrots, beetroots or cucumbers to make the juice sweeter and to disguise the bitter taste.

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4. Juicing raw cannabis will not get you high. Some people prefer cannabis without psychoactive effects. Since heat is required to convert the THCA in raw cannabis into psychoactive THC, juicing is the way to obtain the benefits of cannabis without getting stoned.

5. A masticating juicer, or wheat grass juicer, is probably the best choice for juicing cannabis.

The United States owns patents for cannabis use for the prevention of diabetes and the treatment of inflammation, inflammatory conditions and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), yet it is not prescribed for these diseases because of its status as a dangerous drug. However, there is increasing awareness by the general population, who have been brainwashed for years into believing that synthetic, pharmaceutical drugs are the answer to any medical problem. Changes can be seen everywhere, such as the growing popularity of organic foods and whole foods. People are realizing that ingesting cannabis in its raw form does support vibrant health.

Like any other leafy green vegetable, Dr. Courtney believes everyone should ingest cannabis regularly. To quote: “You only need it [cannabis] as medicine when you have forgotten it is food.”


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