
Sugar alcohols and your stomach

Sugar alcohols are a popular sugar substitute, especially in things like chewing gum and prepackaged foods. There are many names and types of sugar alcohols, such as sorbitol, xylitol and many others. Honestly, they’ve become so commonplace that sugar alcohols can even be found in some dog treats. I wholeheartedly recommend you not feed your Read More


Food Babe teaches clean food advocates how to deal with Internet trolls

Reporting live from her Food Babe post, Vani Hari, the clean food activist who has been repeatedly and viciously attacked for her efforts to better our food supply, educated followers on how to deal with Internet trolls. “Gangs of trolls,” as she calls them, “watch us like a hawk. They watch everything little thing we Read More


Warning: Tea may not be as healthy as you think

Tea has long been touted for its health benefits. But, have you ever wondered where your tea leaves actually come from? While tea does have a great many benefits, the way it’s treated before it arrives in your favorite mug might just possibly cancel out those positives. For instance, tea plants easily absorb fluoride from the soil, Read More

Top 10 toxic ingredients in children's food

Top 10 toxic ingredients in children’s food

What do bisphenol-A , high-fructose corn syrup and propylene glycol have in common? They are all toxins that can be found in food marketed to children — and you could be inadvertently purchasing them. One of the best gifts that parents can bestow upon their children is a nutritious diet. Yet many foods on supermarket Read More

Top 10 Toxic Ingredients in Children's Breakfast Cereal

Top 10 toxic ingredients in children’s cereal

Selling harmful food to kids is a huge business. Using the most recent data, the Federal Trade Commission reports that food and beverage companies spend some $1.8 billion annually to make kids want to consume their products. Most of that advertising is spent on fast food, carbonated drinks and, of course, breakfast cereal. The breakfast Read More


New EU guidelines leading shift away from artificial coloring

Coloring Foods supplier GNT suggests that the global confectionery market will begin to shy away from artificial and additive colors as the industry shifts to conform to new EU guidelines. These new guidelines define exact criteria to differentiate between Coloring Foods and artificial colorants. And, after November 29, all products used to color food and Read More

Top 10 preservatives that are destroying your health

Top 10 preservatives that are destroying your health

Artificial food additives and preservatives lengthen the lifespan of food and shorten the lifespan of people. There are many natural additives and preservatives, like salt, alcohol, vinegar and sugar; however, many additives and preservatives used by food manufactures are laced with toxic chemicals that are linked to a wide range of health problems. Artificial food Read More

Top 10 ways artificial sweeteners destroy health

Top 10 ways artificial sweeteners destroy health

Artificial sweeteners were bolstered for many years as a healthy alternative to natural sugars. By matching the taste of sweetness without the calories, artificial sweeteners became immensely popular for people afflicted by obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular problems. Once the artificial sweetener saccharin was deemed probably carcinogenic, sugar substitutes fell from their health throne. Speaking from Read More

Top 10 MSG food items

Top 10 grocery store foods that contain hidden MSG

Monosodium glutamate, also known as MSG, is a commonly used food enhancer whose taste is described as umami-like. Taste is usually divided into four categories: sweet, salty, sour and bitter. Glutamate is said to have a fifth, unique taste called umami, which is described as the savory flavor of meats. MSG is used to enhance Read More